It is said that Nature is wise. So much so, that when we listen to it carefully, we uncover some of the keys that will help us live with it better and for longer. This, bearing in mind the scenario of sustainable development and checking of the climate change, seems more important than ever these days.
Days on which the need to establish mechanisms to literally save the planet, is a constant theme in countries’ political and energy agendas. 2020 is approaching and the objectives are pressing, so Europe is getting a move on with the use of renewable energy and its leaders are focusing their efforts on complying with the international agreement.
Moreover, outside the big picture, which is the known Agenda 21, the use of renewable energy to solve specific problems of our environment is as real as it is positive. With regard to these uses, a study by Spanish researchers on the ability of biomass to reduce up to 60% of forest fires was published in the journal Ecosystems.
The results of this research concluded that the strategic extraction of biomass to produce chips or pellets and their use linked to a policy of consumer proximity would serve to alter the fire regime. According to this theory, the forests where fuel extraction is correctly controlled and managed would be less likely to suffer major fires and, should they do so, conditions for their extinction would be better.
The use of biomass for energy to reduce the risk of forest fires would also be influenced by the location of the treatment facilities and the intensity and the ability of the fire-fighting department to take advantage of the situation. Should it be done well, the link between the forestry sector and the energy sector would be strengthened, the solution to a possible lack of means would be found and the cost of fire-fighting would be lessened.
Source: Renewable energy