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“Meeting our objectives means fulfilling our commitments in terms of quality and deadlines.”

La Tribuna Article - Eiffage Energia’s 2019 Balance Sheet

The CEO of Eiffage Energía and Eiffage’s representative in Spain, José Manuel Martínez, said in an interview with the newspaper La Tribuna de Albacete that “meeting our targets means fulfilling our commitments in terms of quality and performance deadlines”. A statement made after release of the balance sheet for 2019, a very important year for Eiffage Energía, with results that place it among the companies that have built the most renewable facilities in Spain. In this way, the company, which recorded turnover of more than 600 million euros, has been able to connect more than 1,000 megawatts of photovoltaic and more than 200 megawatts of wind power to the grid. Consolidating its position in the other fields in which it operates: electrical infrastructures, maintenance, facilities, civil engineering and construction, and electromedicine.

Commitment to our stakeholders

When asked by the newspaper about expectations for 2020, José Manuel Martínez replied that everything points to it being as promising as the previous year. He also explains that one of the goals this year is “to continue with our external growth, incorporating new activities and expanding into areas of the country where our presence has not been as intense up to now”. And, without a doubt, fulfilling our commitments in terms of quality and deadlines, as well as our commitment to our stakeholders, is the first goal we set for ourselves at Eiffage Energía. In addition, the CEO of Eiffage Energía stated during the interview that if we want to slow down climate change, all countries must make good on their commitments to the environment. By making a commitment to the development of renewable energies, “so that we can combat it decisively”. Read it in full – La Tribuna Article – Interview CEO Eiffage Energía