Welcome Manual. We have just released a Welcome Manual that we will distribute to all new employees of the Eiffage Energía Group to facilitate their onboarding process.
The goal is for the employee to take a journey through the different sections of the Manual: lines of activity; organisational chart; commitment; implementation; values; equality; operating rules; human resources; management platforms; employee portal; compliance, health and safety; prevention; key points; commitment charter and shareholdings.
The purpose is to guide them as they take their first steps with us
This Welcome Manuel presents, in a very direct, visual and intuitive way, information about the important aspects of the organisation. The purpose is to guide them as they take their first steps with us. In this way, we aim to facilitate their integration by giving them essential information on the day-to-day workings of the company.
New Human Resources procedure
This manual is part of the new Human Resources procedure. This is a procedure that focuses on digitalisation and automation of the department’s internal processes. We want to speed up the flow of information within the organisation in the different areas: career, recruitment, training and development.
For example, we have digitalised the processes of recruitment requests, hiring; leaves of absence, holidays, requests for training courses, obtaining diplomas, training itineraries, and the evaluation of courses and effectiveness.
This digitalisation allows us to be more agile and to have more information on all processes related to the recruitment and development of a new employee in the Eiffage Energía Group .