An aluminium battery that replaces a generator set on construction sites, thus reducing emissions, was the winning solution of the third edition of the Clean Connect VLC program An initiative backed by the Valencia City Council through Valencia Activa and AVAESEN.
Specifically, Albufera Integration provided the solution in response to the challenge presented by Eiffage Energía Sistemas, which will receive a total of 4,000 euros for the launch of this pilot project in the company’s real-world environment.
The announcement was made this week at an event in Dinapsis, where the four finalists discussed their learnings during the process and exchanged ideas from the open innovation program at various roundtables. Prior to this, they attended an inspiring talk entitled “How should a sustainable world be financed?”, by Dr. Felipe Sánchez Coll, the academic head of the Finance Area at EDEM.
Innovative projects to fight climate emergency
The matching of challenge and solution took place after the Demo Day, where thirty clean tech startups from across the nation pitched to the corporations participating in the Clean Connect VLC program. This initiative aims to foster innovative projects to fight the climate emergency, placing Valencia at the centre of innovation by connecting the talent and innovation of startups with the needs of several companies, in the form of challenges. In this case, the Gimeno Group, Hidraqua and Valenciaport’s Opentop also participated along with Eiffage Energía Sistemas.
Innovation in clean technologies
In this regard, Paula Llobet, Councillor for Tourism, Innovation, and Investments, emphasized that: “Programs like this demonstrate the effectiveness of public-private partnerships and help position Valencia on the national cleantech map with high-level technological propositions”.
In turn, Marcos J. Lacruz, President of AVAESEN, stated that promoting innovation in clean technologies has been a cornerstone of the association for over a decade. He expressed pride that companies such as Eiffage Energía Sistemas, Gimeno Group, Opentop, and Hidraqua trust them to foster their open innovation and implement smart solutions that benefit the city.
The Eiffage Energía Sistemas challenge
Eiffage Energía Sistemas launched a challenge common to many developers and builders of renewable energy plants in isolated environments, where the electricity supply for construction depends on fossil fuels.
The startup Albufera Integration responded to this challenge with a supply system that includes an autonomous and mobile unit, mounted on a trailer or van, integrated with a solar photovoltaic system. This system harnesses solar radiation on-site to charge an Aluminium-Ion battery, providing a constant renewable energy supply.