Coinciding with the celebration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April, Eiffage Energía Sistemas reviews the preventive actions carried out within the company and outlines new initiatives launched in 2024.
Awareness-raising days
Significantly, the company organised Awareness Days focused on Occupational Risk Prevention for regional delegates and territorial directors in 2023. These sessions were conducted in collaboration with the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Labour and Employment of Albacete to strengthen the preventive culture within the company.
In total, three sessions were held, involving 71 participants from various regions nationwide. Our CEO, José Manuel Martínez, and the National Director of Networks and Installations, Domingo Molina, attended these sessions.

800 middle managers
Awareness sessions were also organised for site managers, group leaders, and supervisors. Seven sessions were held in Madrid, Vitoria, Zaragoza, Valencia, Barcelona, Seville, and Albacete between November 2023 and February 2024.
A total of 800 middle managers from Eiffage Energía Sistemas participated.
The aim of these sessions was to highlight the importance of Safety and Health within the company and the crucial role these managers play in achieving our goal of zero accidents.
Led by the company’s senior management, the sessions presented 2023 accident data, 2024 objectives, and reinforced the roles and responsibilities of middle managers in Safety and Health. These sessions were also led by José Manuel Martínez, along with Domingo Molina; Juan Pablo Valverde, EES H&S Director; Pedro González, Director of Maintenance and Electromedicine; Joaquín Villar, Director of High Voltage; and Daniel Garrido, Director of Renewable Energies. Excellent safety conduct awards
These awards are given to recognise the collective efforts of the company’s workforce in adhering to safety measures.
The objective is to reward contributions that can enhance both the Preventive Management System and the safe execution of activities. In 2023, 14 awards were given to employees across various business lines of the group. This initiative continues in 2024.
App for monitoring correct execution of work procedures This tool was launched in 2023 for Live Work in High Voltage. It is a mobile application that allows work supervisors to take photographs of specific work phases. These photographs are analysed, either immediately or subsequently, by specialist technicians to ensure that the work is being carried out according to procedure.
This app also enables workers to view the work procedures associated with the tasks they are performing.
In 2024, it will also be implemented for Live Work in Low Voltage.
EASY App Eiffage Énergie Systèmes’ application for safety inspections by middle managers and Occupational Risk Prevention technicians.
This convenient and fast app allows inspectors to conduct safety and health inspections at work sites, which are then sent to the validating technician/director. Inspections can be reviewed and detected anomalies assigned to responsible personnel via the EASY web platform.
The implementation of this app across all company departments is scheduled for the end of 2024.
Incident reporting App This application will be launched in June 2024. Through this app, workers can report anomalies and incidents to the Joint Prevention Service. Thus, communication and resolution of such incidents will be facilitated, allowing us to anticipate and prevent potential accidents.
Other digital tools
Preventive documentation preparation tool This web-based tool, launched in 2024, allows Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) technicians to create technical reports (Occupational Risk Assessment, Preventive Activity Planning, Safety and Health Plans, etc.). These reports can be shared among all technicians.
The aim is to unify the company’s preventive reports and ensure they are as comprehensive as possible.
Digital Pre-Job (APT). This app, to be launched this year, enables workers to assess the risks associated with their activities before commencing work and conduct pre-task briefings accordingly. These pre-jobs will be stored for later analysis by supervisors and to identify and rectify potential risk situations.
Safety Week
From 12 to 16 June 2023, all our national and international work centres held reflection sessions lasting at least one day. Through various regional directors, the importance of safety and health within the organisation was reiterated.
Various Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) activities were conducted, introducing the new Six Cardinal Points and the Safety Commitment Charter of Eiffage Énergie Systèmes.

Participation of 90.5% of staff
All sessions began with a message from Ludovic Duplan, CEO of Eiffage Énergie Systèmes, emphasising the importance of safety and health at Eiffage.
Some 90.5% of the organisation’s personnel, around 4250 employees, participated in these sessions. This year, Safety Week is scheduled from June 10 to 14, with the main theme being “Site Preparation”.
Preventive Culture Assessment Survey
Launched through the app and targeted at 3,500 operators, this survey focuses on the knowledge and correct execution of work procedures, as well as the proper supervision of work by the management chain and preventive resources. Its purpose is to identify training or knowledge gaps in our work procedures.
Training sessions for the Live Voltage Work Committees aim to improve field inspections. ORP technicians travelled to the company’s headquarters in Albacete to receive theoretical and practical training on perfecting inspection skills.
The objective is to improve the specialisation of the technical team in inspection particularly hazardous tasks, such as high voltage live work.
This session will be repeated in 2024 to improve inspections for low voltage live work by our ORP technicians.
Training sessions aimed at ORP technicians to improve accident investigation processes were held in 2023 and 2024.

Comprehensive analysis of accidents with/without time off work
Under the direction of the general management, all accidents involving time of work are analysed as if they were serious accidents. The entire management chain of the injured worker participates to thoroughly identify the causes of accidents and establish strong action plans to prevent recurrence.
VIGILA Campaign
A campaign to launch changing preventive messages in the working hours control app for all company employees.
These messages highlight risks that cause recurring accidents in the company and preventive measures to avoid them. Alongside images, training and informational campaigns on the highlighted risks are conducted, and specific inspections are carried out by ORP technicians to review tasks where these risks may occur.
Risks that frequently cause accidents in our sector and their preventive measures (e.g., work on roofs, high temperatures) are also highlighted.
This campaign started in 2023 and continues in 2024.