Eiffage Energía Sistemas has received recognition in the Large Company category of Mutua Universal’s Innovation and Health Awards for its commitment to promoting health through innovation, applying Artificial Intelligence to safety.
Mutua Universal presented, at the Casino de Madrid, the VIIII Innovation and Health Awards, which distinguish companies, institutions or organizations associated with the mutual that are highly committed to the promotion of health and have carried out projects for the promotion and dissemination of innovation for the benefit of the health of workers.
Artificial Intelligence Software
This is the case of our company, which has been recognized for its Artificial Intelligence software project, which has been designed for the prevention of occupational hazards in photovoltaic plants and is currently in the initial development phase.
A priority for Eiffage Energia Sistemas, “where the preventive culture is part of our DNA”, as Juan Pablo Valverde, Health and Safety Director of Eiffage Energia Sistemas, highlighted, who was in charge of collecting the award from Juan Güell, Managing Director of Mutua Universal.
This new system, still under development, greatly facilitates the work of our prevention technicians in the field.
For its design, we have taken advantage of the experience of our Drones department to train this Artificial Intelligence software in risk situations that are difficult for prevention technicians to detect.
The system is based on an open source solution for real-time object detection, using a convolutional neural network to identify objects in images captured by unmanned aircraft (drones).
Through this system we are able to identify health and safety anomalies such as, for example, the absence of PPE, high vehicle speeds, or safety distances, among other things. It also allows the reading of attached QR codes. For example, in helmets to identify the person who is performing an unsafe act or whose preventive documentation is not in order.
VIIII Innovation and Health Awards
The event, which began with a minute’s silence for the victims and people affected by DANA, was attended by Dr. Frederic Llordachs, founder of Doctomatic, Doctoralia and Llamalitica, digital health advisor to the Associació Catalana d’Entitats de Salut (ACES) and member of the innovation board of the Americas Continental Health Alliance (ACHA). In his presentation, “The future of healthcare, will it be more digital?”, he pointed out that “the future of healthcare in 10 years’ time will involve disruptive innovation that must be capable of improving 10 times what it does, while costing 10 times less”.
The day also included a discussion between Frederic Llordachs and the CEO of Mutua Universal, Dr. Juan Güell, in which the impact of the digital world on healthcare was debated. In this context, the managing director of Mutua Universal presented the entity’s “latest and ambitious project”, “a project to transform our management model that will lay the foundations of Mutua Universal’s strategy for the coming years and will generate a nucleus of innovation and knowledge at the service of the administration and the sector”.