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Sustainability and Innovation

For Eiffage Energía Sistemas Group, low-carbon construction is one of the main targets, being also an opportunity to make a difference in terms of sustainability.


Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the essential practices for the company, being one of the main axes in all our branches and subsidiaries around the world.
This CSR policy must respect all employees, communities and also environment, with the integration of ethical values.


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Eiffage Energía Sistemas awards the prizes for the StartBox 2024 Innovation Campaign

How can we reduce our emissions and those of our customers in our daily activities? This question was answered by nearly 80 proposals submitted by employees of Eiffage Energía Sistemas to the first StartBox 2024 Innovation Campaign. The level of participation was very high.

This initiative is part of the Integrated Innovation Plan managed by the Integrated Sustainability and Innovation department over the past four years, marking the first internal Open Innovation campaign carried out as part of the Strategic Plan. A plan for which an internal investment fund has been created, intended to be allocated annually to innovation and development projects.

In this campaign, the company commits to providing all the necessary resources for the development of the proposed solutions, offering the idea creators the support needed to bring their ideas to reality within the company.

Today, we awarded the prizes for the best low-carbon innovative solutions to achieve the decarbonisation of our activity and that of our customers, at an event attended by our CEO, José Manuel Martínez.


The winners, all of whom are employees of Eiffage Energía Sistemas, are:

-1st prize: €400. Corporate reforestation for CO₂ compensation linked to activity indicators. Teresa Talavera (€200) and Vanessa Landete (€200).

-2nd prize: €200. Energy communities for employees. Benjamín RIVERA TORREGROSA.

-Two runners-up prizes of €100:

    • Digital devices (tablets) to minimise paper use. José Luis Piera
    • Personal carpooling application for EES employees. Elena Paulina Mursa, Manuel Medrano, Javier Eduardo Ramírez, Teresa Talavera and Vanessa Landete.


Among the topics of the proposals, leading the way were eco-gesture incentives; followed by car-sharing, electric vehicles, renewable supply, paper recycling or reduction; as well as ecological activities and rainwater harvesting.

The competition was open to any employee of the Eiffage Energía Sistemas Group, including national and international subsidiaries, with the exception of the members of the panel, made up of the innovation committee and staff from the ISI department.

Each participant could submit all the solutions they considered applicable to the proposed challenge, provided they were original and unpublished ideas that had not been previously implemented in the company.

Integrated Strategic Innovation Plan

Apart from this initiative, as part of the Integrated Strategic Innovation Plan, the Integrated Sustainability and Innovation department develops different avenues to obtain ideas for projects to be developed internally.

One of these internal avenues is the StartBox concept, an open participatory innovation campaign with specific challenges. The first theme is linked to the low-carbon offering.

It consisted of a process of receiving ideas from employees; opening all the proposals to a vote, with the participation of nearly 400 people; and finally, the selection of the ideas with the greatest support.

The proposals now go through an internal development process for implementation in the company.

The aim is that each year from now on a different challenge will be set related to innovation in the company’s different areas of activity.