Following the winding up of Conergy España, Eiffage Energía successfully bid at public auction for the transfer of six O&M contracts for PV energy installations.
In July 2013, the parent company of the Conergy group entered into an arrangement with creditors
forcing the insolvency of the Spanish...
23 February 2017, 07:55
In keeping with the line that began a few months ago with the creation of the new corporate intranet, Eiffage Energía offers all its employees a new mobile application developed for iPhone and Android phones, which will speed up all administrative and management procedures for all company employees.
16 February 2017, 10:07
The number of workplace accidents has fallen by more than 80% in recent years atEiffage Energía, a company that has a major commitment to the prevention of occupational risks within its business group.
Thus, according to the latest data, the Frequency Index, which reflects the number of accidents registered...
07 February 2017, 12:21
The Eiffage Energía Group, a subsidiary of the fifth European concessions and construction group Eiffage, ends 2016 with a turnover of more than 208 million euros, representing an increase of 67 million euros in the last four years, and about 1,800 jobs, 408 more than in 2013.
These are important facts...
02 February 2017, 10:26
Eiffage Energía will develop, within the period of one year, a platform for the comprehensive management of engineering and infrastructure construction projects, under a collaboration agreement signed with the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) through the European Regional...
26 January 2017, 11:07
At the end of the year 2016, the magazine Futur Energy, one of the most important specialised publications in the energy sector, has echoed on the back cover section of its latest issue, the most important national and international projects of Eiffage Energía. It has certainly been a year of great...
17 January 2017, 13:57
Eiffage Energía will be the company responsible for implementing, within a period of six months, a major project which consists of the installation of 117 solar greenhouses with a total power of 11.7 MWp, in the province of Herault, in the region of Occitania, in France.
Each greenhouse has a power...
09 January 2017, 18:27
Recently we have heard the verdict of the “The force of Nature” awards, the internal photography competition organised by Eiffage within the framework of the National Strategy for Biodiversity, with which the company has wished to show its involvement in the care of the environment and...
03 January 2017, 16:03
The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has given the go ahead to the construction project for Waste Water Treatment Plants in the municipalities of Sisante, Casas de Benítez and Pozoamargo in Cuenca, which will provide a total of 2918 inhabitants with the best service with the latest technologies in...
27 December 2016, 10:41
Just over two and a half months ago Eiffage Energía inaugurated its new subsidiary in Lima (Peru), continuing a process of internationalisation, which from Spain, extends to Chile and Mexico. The latter makes the total of subsidiaries owned by the Eiffage Energía Group number 6, each with a wide expertise...
22 December 2016, 13:49
Eiffage Energía has carried out the refurbishment work for Banco Sabadell. The work took place in the office building belonging to the bank organisation in Calle de la Ebanistería in Alicante. In this building, industrial tasks on the ground floor and work more peculiar to offices on the upper floor,...
30 November 2016, 14:53
According to the statistical office Eurostat, activity of the construction sector in Spain began to show a positive rate again in September. This is happening despite the fact that during the month of August, activity in this sector suffered a decline of 4.3 %.
This return to positive rates results...
23 November 2016, 18:29
In the words of Jorge Morales de Labra, vice president of the Fundación Renovables (Renewable Energy Foundation) “Andalusia in particular and Spain are the areas of highest solar radiation in Continental Europe”. This fact could convert solar energy into Spain’s oil.
Currently, virtually...
17 November 2016, 14:04
On 24 October, a group of students from the Studies Program of Electronic Engineering from the Technological University of Chile (INACAP), made a tour of the installations at the Quilapilún Solar Park.
The 20 students who visited the photovoltaic installation, located in the municipality of Colina...
10 November 2016, 10:51
November has arrived and with it the changing of the clock. One of the main arguments for this changing of the clock is the supposed energy saving that it produces. Waking up at night for, in theory, to enjoy an afternoon with more daylight hours does not seem to produce significant energy saving.
02 November 2016, 11:03
The Chairman and CEO of the Eiffage Group, Benoît de Ruffray, has visited, for the first time, the delegations of Eiffage Energía in Madrid, where he could see first hand the company’s income statement during the last year in Spain and the forecasts for 2017.
His first stop was at the delegation...
27 October 2016, 13:15
In the Pacific Ocean, in 2016 alone, twenty typhoons have occurred. A unique atmospheric phenomenon like this, could supply energy to a country like Japan for nearly 50 years. Given this premise, the Japanese engineer Atsushi Shimizu has developed a wind power generator able to withstand the force...
19 October 2016, 09:34
At Eiffage Energía we are well aware that our workers are the main key which allows us to continue growing and developing an activity to excellent levels. For this reason, we make each one of them our priority and work every day to improve their work experience.
Finally, along these lines the company’s...
10 October 2016, 00:01
The process of expanding our business outside Spain is continuing successfully. What began in the Amareleja photovoltaic plant in Portugal, has, eight years later, ended up being a genuine internationalisation plan thanks to which Eiffage Energía now has a presence in three continents. First Europe,...
07 October 2016, 00:01
According to the Edenred-IESE reconciliation barometer, productivity in companies can increase by up to 19% if they regularly achieve the work/family reconciliation of their employees. If we add to this datum the results of the barometer in 2015, which warned that 41% of Spanish workers are not satisfied...
05 October 2016, 00:01