
Business lines

We develop our activity in different energy sectors, carrying out projects of great importance. We offer a wide range of services for private and public clients.


Selection of some of the most relevant projects in each of our business lines.

Sustainability and Innovation

For Eiffage Energía Sistemas Group, low-carbon construction is one of the main targets, being also an opportunity to make a difference in terms of sustainability.


Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the essential practices for the company, being one of the main axes in all our branches and subsidiaries around the world.
This CSR policy must respect all employees, communities and also environment, with the integration of ethical values.


Working at Eiffage Energía Group is a great choice. We take care of our employees and offer them training and development within the company, even having the possibility of being part of the shareholders.


Find here the latest news from Eiffage Energía Sistemas Group and stay informed of our activity through LinkedIn.


Find here all our national and international branches.

Values and principles

In Eiffage Energía we work every day to promote our values and comply with the fundamental principles that govern the company thereby achieving the satisfaction of our clients and of our team of professionals.”


Our values


We encourage the individual and collective responsibility, of the human team of professionals that make up the company.


The trust we have in our team makes its ability to progress and perform increase, so achieving a better relationship between the different areas of work, suppliers and subcontractors.

Honesty and Tnsparency

In Eiffage Energía, honesty and transparency are our driving force, so these values are fundamental in all that we do, both internally and to our customers.

Exemplary nature

The first requirement is respect for others. Privileges are not tolerable in a group in which the successes and failures are always shared. We cannot ask of others that which we don’t demand of ourselves.

Clarity, Courage and Tenacity

Real estate excesses and financial imbalances have altered the current situation. It is necessary to be the first to react. The courage and tenacity of each one of the partners are needed to achieve success in the coming years.

Corporate Social Responsibility

In EIFFAGE ENERGY we understand that business practices must be based on ethical values and respect for employees, communities and the environment.

Our principles

Eiffage ha implementado un enfoque deontológico y ético que se aplica a todos sus grupos de interés, tanto externos como internos. Este enfoque se refiere en particular al respeto por las personas, los proveedores, la ética empresarial y el desarrollo sostenible.”

Respect for customers

Customer satisfaction is one of the fundamental principles of Eiffage Energía and this is the reason why we fight everyday to flawlessly execute all the projects that we take on.

Respect for employees

Respect for the health and safety rules at work is the basis for our policy of prevention, whose sole aim is to have 0 accidents.

Respect for shareholders

The shareholders made up of workers, representing 29% of the capital, play a decisive role. We scrupulously apply the standards which are established by the Financial Markets Authorities (AMF is the French financial markets regulatory body).

Respect for partners

In Eiffage we have shown our capacity for large projects using always our own means provided by our partners at all times.

Respect fo suppliers and subcontractors

Both subscribe to the ethical standards of our Eiffage Group and benefit from the support of their services and work installations.

Respect for involved parties

The trade unions are present at all levels in our company. We pay attention to the opinion of the associations concerned with the environment and the defence of the most disadvantaged groups in all our actions.

Respect for public authorities

We respect the institutions of the countries where we are established and the rules of the international community. Cultural patronage and sports sponsorship are developed exclusively according to the conditions laid down by the law. The political, cultural and religious neutrality rules are followed.

Human progress

Training concerns all workers and promotes social and cultural exchanges. The creation of the Eiffage Foundation “building together a shared world” allows the birth of projects supported by the contributors.


This Code includes the catalog of ethical principles and rules of conduct that must govern the actions of all members of the Eiffage Group and its stakeholders, constituting a main element of our internal regulatory framework.

The purpose of these commitments is for our behavior to be upright and respectful of the legislation in all its elements, as well as in all the territories in which the Eiffage Group is present. These are also reflected in the desire to base its development on trust and fidelity in our relationship with customers, suppliers, business partners, public administrations and society in general.

This Code, approved in January 2020 and in continuous improvement and revision, constitutes a main element of the Eiffage Group Regulatory Compliance Program.