Eiffage Energía has built, in BOP mode, the Ceclavín photovoltaic plant, with an installed capacity of 328 MW, which Iberdrola has just started up in Cáceres.
This project will prevent the yearly emission of 110,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere and will provide green energy for some 210,000 people.
More than 1,000 people have been hired for the construction of this project, which has involved an investment of 250 million euros.
The photovoltaic plant located in Cáceres, has 857,520 modules, 167 inverters and 7,146 trackers installed; more than 1,700 kilometres of cable laid; 155,000 cubic metres in earth and rock movements; and 56 transformation centres.
During the peak construction phase of the project, there have been a total of 1,050 workers, of which more than 60% come from the province of Cáceres.
Similarly, purchases of materials and tools necessary for implementation of the project have been made through local suppliers. It should be noted that we have given courses and approved local workers in occupational health and safety. Training courses have also been given on the operation of Photovoltaic Plants and their executive development.
In addition, protected areas have been set up to preserve biodiversity.
Ten water ponds will be built to preserve and develop both native species and birds of passage.
Perimeter roads have been revamped to allow neighbours to access their plots, installing cattle grids to avoid the passage of livestock, in case they access outside the plots of the neighbours.
The project has also created watercourses in areas that were previously flood prone, thus allowing for safe vehicular traffic for residents in the future.